5 easy
campfire meals

It can be hard to find inspiration for meals when camping. After all, you're far from the comforts of your own kitchen! These simple recipe ideas will help you become a campfire master chef and will definitely impress your friends and family.

Campfire meal 1: Mexican-style breakfast

Mexican-style breakfast

Light a campfire! Place a pan on the campfire grill grate over the fire. If there is no grill grate available, place the pan directly on the embers. Take some corn tortillas and place a sausage and an egg (both cooked) on each one. Roll the tortillas up then place on the hot pan. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until the tortillas turn golden brown. Serve with salsa. You don't need to travel to Cancun to feel like you're on vacation!

Tip: If you don't have a pan, roll the tortillas up in aluminum foil then place on the embers away from the centre of the fire.

Campfire meal 2: Fruity campfire dessert

Fruity campfire dessert

Add cooked pieces of cake in a pan along with the fruits of your choice (we recommend berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.) and add pieces of chocolate. Place the pan on the grill grate or on the embers until the chocolate is melted. Mix then serve in bowls!

Campfire meal 2: Fruity campfire dessert
Campfire meal 3: Camping nachos

Camping nachos

Bring your best recipe for nachos with you. No oven? No problem! Cook your nachos in a pan on the embers or in aluminum foil for 5 to 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted. Finalize your presentation with the seasoning of your choice. We love sour cream, green onions, and guacamole!

Campfire meal 4: Reinvented S'mores

Reinvented S'mores

Choose a nice yellow banana. Cut it lengthwise but leave part of it uncut. Insert chocolate chips and small marshmallows in the banana slit. Wrap the stuffed banana in aluminum foil and cook for 5 to 10 minutes on the embers.

Tip: wear oven gloves to pick it up because it will be very hot!

Campfire meal 4: Reinvented S'mores
Campfire meal 5: Sweet campfire cones

Sweet campfire cones

In a bowl, combine mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, and pieces of the fruit of your choice. Pour this mixture into an empty waffle cone. Wrap each cone individually in aluminum foil and cook on the embers for 5 to 10 minutes. Once removed from the fire (be careful, it will be hot!), add a scoop of ice cream.

Don't forget to check if there are any campfire bans at your destination!

Enjoy your meal